“A rip-roaring tale, with witty lyrics, catchy tunes and an exhilarating storyline.”

This light-hearted, fun musical is an exhilarating tale set in the 1980s describing the adventures of a North Country Lad in London. Creatively the aim has been to include the words of the songs as an intrinsic part of the narrative, contributing to the pace of its development rather than interrupting the flow.
Many of the settings are unusual although the theme is universal. Triumph turns into disaster whilst, along the way, professional pride is punctured, with a few barbed shafts aimed at the building and legal professions and the City of London.
The action develops as follows :-
Ambition takes young Stanley Jack Fairchild away from his friends and family to the financial and cultural sophistication of London.
There he becomes captivated by Bella, an attractive mannequin with a sharp line in dress and drollery. In pursuit of the High life he believes that Bella enjoys, Jack buys a car from the shady second-hand market in Warren Street, falls foul of professional arrogance when trying to invest in a large office development, and eventually entrusts his savings to the less-than-tender care of a broker dealing on the City of London Metal Exchange.
Fate at first is kind: Jack becomes rich. He also achieves fame as the presenter of a television programme “Fairchild’s Fancy”. Later, however, the metals market collapses and Jack’s life with it. His proposal is rejected by Bella, he is bankrupted, and finds himself in jail. With time to reflect, Jack recognises the value of his old friendships, and regrets neglecting them.
Despite the peculiarities of the British legal system, Jack’s friends finally secure his release. He has gained nothing materially, but spiritually he is glad to be alive, facing the future with a new-found confidence.